Depressive Disorder Sep7em Is Out!

Depressive Disorder - Sep7em, 2014. 9. 1.

Depressive Disorder Sep7em, 1. 9. 2014

Depressive Disorder Sep7em
Po pěti letech od vydání úspěšného alba The Chronicle Of Fear, vychází 1. 9. 2014 pod labelem Monopolrecords čtvrtá studiová produkce Depressive Disorder pod názvem Sep7em.

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Five years after the release of a successful album The Chronicle Of Fear, first published in 2014 September 1st , under the label ninth Monopolrecords fourth studio production Depressive Disorder under the name Sep7em. It is conceived as an electro-industrial vision with lyrics that are illuminating perception of current topical issues still seven deadly sins.

Depressive Disorder Sep7em Promo

Superbia - The seventh song from the album Sep7em
Depressive Disorder uvedli 17. května 2014 skladbu Superbia z připravované desky Sep7em.

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Depressive Disorder said 17. May 2014 Superbia song from the forthcoming album Sep7em.

Depressive Disorder Superbia Promo

Invidia - The sixth song from the album Sep7em
Depressive Disorder uvedli 9. května 2014 skladbu Invidia z připravované desky Sep7em.

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Depressive Disorder said 9. May 2014 Invidia song from the forthcoming album Sep7em.

Depressive Disorder Invidia Promo

Ira - The fifth song from the album Sep7em
Depressive Disorder uvedli 2. května 2014 skladbu Ira z připravované desky Sep7em.

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Depressive Disorder said 2. May 2014 Ira song from the forthcoming album Sep7em.

Depressive Disorder Ira Promo

Avaritia - The fourth song from the album Sep7em
Depressive Disorder uvedli 24. dubna 2014 skladbu Avaritia z připravované desky Sep7em.

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Depressive Disorder said 24. April 2014 Avaritia song from the forthcoming album Sep7em.

Depressive Disorder Avaritia Promo

Luxuria - The third song from the album Sep7em
Depressive Disorder uvedli 18. dubna 2014 skladbu Luxuria z připravované desky Sep7em.

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Depressive Disorder said 18. April 2014 Luxuria song from the forthcoming album Sep7em.

Depressive Disorder Luxuria Promo

Gula - The second song from the album Sep7em
Depressive Disorder uvedli 10. dubna 2014 skladbu Gula z připravované desky Sep7em.

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Depressive Disorder said 10. April 2014 Gula song from the forthcoming album Sep7em.

Depressive Disorder Gula Promo

Acedia - The first song from the album Sep7em
Depressive Disorder uvedli 2. dubna 2014 skladbu Acedia z připravované desky Sep7em, která se koncepčně zabývá tématikou sedmi smrtelných hříchů.

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Depressive Disorder said 2. April 2014 Acedia song from the forthcoming album Sep7em that conceptually deals with the theme of the seven deadly sins.

Depressive Disorder Acedia Promo

Castle Party 26 - 29 July 2012 Lineup
Oficiální lineup leto?ního festivalu Castle Party 2012, uvádí vystoupení Depressive Disorder na 28.7.2012 od 15:00h. Dal?í informace na Castle Party 2012.

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Official Lineup this festival Castle Party 2012 states production Depressive Disorder to 28 July 2012, 3 pm hours. More info Castle Party 2012.

Castle Party 2012

Live: "Nosferatu Night No.9 | 21st April 2012"
Deváté narozeniny goth shopu Nosferatu, proběhnou 21.4.2012 v pra.ském klubu Rock Café, kde vystoupí německá kultovní formace Dance or Die, ital?tí Latexxx Teens a Depressive Disorder. Afterparty bude v re.ii DJ Chris L.

Vstupenky lze zakoupit v sítích Ticketstream, nebo přímo v prodejně Nosferatu.

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Ninth birthday goth shop Nosferatu, will take place 21. April 2012 at Prague club Rock Café, where the German cult band Dance or Die, Italian Latexxx Teens and Depressive Disorder. Afterparty will feature DJ Chris L.

Tickets can be purchased in networks Ticketstream, or directly in the shop Nosferatu.

Nosferatu Night No.9

Live: "Depressive Disorder 10 Years Of Electronic Addiction | 4th February 2012"
10 let existence, oslaví Depressive Disorder 4.2.2012 v brněnském klubu Faval Music Circus Club. Více informací později.
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Depressive Disorder celebrate 10 years existencion 4th February 2012 in Faval Music Circus Club Brno. More info leter.

Depressive Disorder 10 Years Of Electronic Addiction

Archive 2011
Rozhovor pro Rádio Wave / Interview for Radio Wave
O vydaném DVD "Insane For You", nejbli.?ích plánech a dění v Depressive Disorder, poskytl Patrik s Radimem exklusivní rozhovor pro Rádio Wave, který se vysílal 16.11.2011, v pořadu Dark Wave. Poslechnou si ho mů.ete zde.
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The edition DVD "Insane For You", coming events in the plans and Depressive Disorder, provided Patrik with Radim exclusive interview for Radio Wave, which aired November 16, 2011, the Dark Wave. Listen to in here.


Soutě. o DVD "Insane For You" na Musicserveru / Competition for DVD "Insane For You" to Musicserver
Hudební portál, vyhlásil soutě. o DVD Depressive Disorder "Insane For You". Soutě.ní kvíz mů.ete vyplnit zde a do něděle 27. listopadu 2011 odeslat elektronicky na adresu redakce Pravidla soutě.e najdete tamté..
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Music website, announced a competition for DVD Depressive Disorder "Insane For You". Quiz can fill in Sunday, the 27th November 2011 and sent electronically to editors Contest rules, see ibid.

Baptizing of the DVD "Insane For You"
We also plan baptizing of the DVD "Insane For You". This will happen at Brooklyn club (Brno - Czech republic) Brooklyn on 19.11.2011 - 8:00 p.m. You can buy DVDs and other products of Depressive Disorder there. And you can watch DVD and enjoy electro party. This is not a concert!

Baptizing of the DVD Insane For You

"Insane For You" - Official trailer
DVD Insane For You Official release of "Insane for You" DVD, recorded by Jan Kruml and Nova Alternativa on 7.5.2011 at Faval Mucis Circus Club (Brno, Czech republic), is planned on 11.11.2011 under Monopolrecords label. This DVD contains a complete live show including the new Insane single, two videoclips and an interview with the band.

Depressive Disorder Insane For You Trailer

"Insane For You" in distribution POPoNAUT
You can preorder DVD Deluxe Limited Edition and Limited Edition "Insane For You" with of German distribution POPoNAUT


DVD Insane For You
Official release of "Insane for You" DVD, recorded by Jan Kruml and Nová Alternativa on 7.5.2011 at Faval Mucis Circus Club (Brno, Czech republic), is planned on 11.11.2011 under Monopolrecords label. This DVD contains a complete live show including the new Insane single, two videoclips and an interview with the band.
It will be released in two formats (versions):

Deluxe Limited Edition "Insane For You"
- 1x Insane For You - ( live ) DVD recorded in Brno on 7.5.2011 (by Nová Aternativa - Jan Kruml), interview, videoclips
- 1x hardcover book (19x15cm / 26 pages)
- 1x CD-R remixes and live songs
- 2x buttons
- 3x photos (10x15cm)
- 1x signed photo! (13x18cm)
- 1x certificate of authenticity
- 1x zip-top bag

You can preorder "Deluxe Limited Edition Insane For You" with Monopolrecords

Depressive Disorder Insane For You Deluxe Limited Edition

Limited Edition "Insane For You"

DVD Insane For You (live) DVD recorded in Brno on 7.5.2011 (by Nová Aternativa - Jan Kruml), interview, videoclips.
You can preorder Limited Edition "Insane For You" with Monopolrecords

Depressive Disorder Insane For You

Depressive Disorder on Castle Party 2012
Official press confirmed presence of Depressive Disorder on Dark Independent Festival - Castle Party (27.-29.7.2011) in Bolkow (Poland). Depressive Disorder is going to appear on stage together with Combichrist, Hocico, Leather Strip and many others.
More information on the official Castle Party web Castle Party.

Castle Party
Depressive Disorder promo pictures 2011
A new face of Depressive Disorder in a collection of promo pictures by Jan Kruml.

Depressive Disorder promo pictures 2011

Remix skladby Odlesk tvůj, skupiny Oceán
V červenci byla vyhlá?ena soutě. o nejlep?í remix skladby "Odlesk tvůj" skupiny Oceán, které se zúčastnili i Depressive Disorder. Remix na avizované remixové EP vybrán sice nebyl, ale je volně ke sta.ení v sekci Download v plné audio kvalitě.
CDs Depressive Disorder Insane
Avizovaný singl Insane, vychází 30. května 2011 v limitované edici, u společnosti Monopolrecords, kde si jej mů.ete objednat. Tracklist obsahuje: Human Depression (2011), Insane (Single Version), Insane (Serotonin Remix By Cyberdelic Solutions), Insane (Stork's Vision) a Blind (Studio Cut). Ka.dý disk bude umístěn do rámečku se speciálním coverem. Skladba Insane, je zároveň první skladbou, na ní. se podílí kompletně nová čtyřčlenná sestava Depressive Disorder.

Remixové pohledy na Insane si vzali na starost VeNa (Serotonin Remix By Cyberdelic Solutions) a Radim Čáp (Stork´s Vision). Ukázky skladeb si mů.ete poslechnout zde.

Hlasujte pro Insane na AlternativaTV!
Na portálu AlternativaTV, který dává prostor alternativní kultuře, byl nasazen 3.6.2011 videoklip Depressive Disorder Insane. Během čtrnácti dnů, se z padesátého místa dostal a. do TopTen. Shlédnout ho a hlasovat pro něj mů.ete zde..
Videoklip ke skladbě Insane
V pátek 27. května, měl na premiéru videoklip ke skladbě Insane. Záběry jsou sestřihem z brněnského koncertu, který natáčel tým Nová Alternativa v čele s Janem Krumlem pro připravované podzimní DVD. Střih si vzal na starost Michal Lep?ík, ?éf Monopolrecords. Mů.ete si jej prohlédnout zde.

Foto z koncertu Depressive Disorder na Favale
Jaká byla atmosféra na koncertě Depressive Disorder v klubu Music Circus Faval, si mů.ete prohlédnout zde. Fotografie zachytili Jan Kruml a Matěj Slezák.

Depressive Disorder na rádiu Český rozhlas - Radio Wave v pořadu Dark Wave
4. května byl na rádiu Český rozhlas - Radio Wave v pořadu Dark Wave, odvysílaný rozhovor s Depressive Disorder. Mů.ete si jej poslechnout zde.
Live DVD Recording Session in Brno
A very special event will take place in Brno! On 7. 5. 2011 Depressive Disorder will perform a gig at Faval club and ALL will be recorded on professional cameras. The result should be released as a very first LIVE DVD in the history of Depressive Disorder. Don´t miss the opportunity to be a part of it and see the whole new four-member lineup in action!

"Insane" single
After a year the band´s co-founder Radim Čáp returns to Depressive Disorder! The current lineup therefore is: Patrik - vocal; Radim - keyboards, vocals; VeNa - keyboards; Ez - guitar.
The band currently work at the new singl "Insane" that should be released in this year´s summer.

Archive 2010
Working on the new tracks and new autumn gigs
Two autumn gigs of Depressive Disorder added to the Live section. We're gonna be playing at Strangefest and in Brno - hopefuly some more will come. Furthermore the band is working on two brand new songs that will be available on Monopol Records compilation. More info to come, stay tuned for the news!
Carpe Noctem Vol.3, 2010 06.05.
Concert Depressive Disorder with XIII. Století and The Strange on Carpe Noctem Vol.3, 2010 06.05., Fléda, Brno, Czech Republic. Info Live.
Lineup changes
After years of a great musical cooperation Radim Čáp decided to leave the band and focus mainly on his project Mastermind. But the story of Depressive Disorder does NOT end - not at all! Patrik Lev put together a whole new lineup consisted of:

Patrik Lev - keyboards, programming, lyrics, vocal
VeNa (No Name Desire) - keyboards, programming
Ez - guitars

Get ready for a proper dark-electro-industrial-rockandroll!
Back To The Roots Edit 1
Depressive Disorder will release the new 3" EP -"Back To The Roots edit 1" in March 2010. The CD contains 2 new songs, 2 remixes and a bonus track.
Archive 2009
Review For Sanctuary
Review Depressive Disorder for

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Inductiv Industrial Festival, 2010 02. 27.
Depressive Disorder with Alvaréz Peréz and Samhein on Inductiv Industrail Festival, 2010 02.27., Subclub, Bratislava, Slovakia. Info Live.
New Promotion Photos Depressive Disorder
Added new promotion Photos by Pilgrime.

Remix For Endless Sunder
Depressive Disorder participate with remix of track Pawn-Unwarranted Remix for CD Razing Ritual of US project Endless Sunder.

Preparation Concert Apperance Depressive Disorder
Depressive Disorder are currently working on the live show of The Chronicle Of Fear Tour. They will start with shows from January 2010.
You will be inform about gigs in the Live section.

Depressive Disorder live gigs announcement:
After a careful consideration we have decided to quit the cooperation with the guys involved in the new live shows preparation. Depressive Disorder will continue with live shows in original two-men line-up.
We would like to thank to Old?ich "Olas" Hladký, Petr "Pedro" Stan?k and Marek Lou?ka for the opportunity to gain new musical experience.
Good luck, guys!
Album Review In Rock & Pop Magazin
The Chronicle Of Fear review in October release of magazin Rock & Pop.

The Chronicle Of Fear Album Became Album Of Week And Month
The Chronicle Of Fear album became album of week on Czech music portal and album of month on Byelorussian elektro-noise-industrial portal Machinis.

Depressive Disorder On Radio Wave
You can hear interview with Depressive Disorder on Radio Wave in Dark Wave broadcast, moderated by Pavel Zelinka and Tomá? Hoyer.
The Chronicle Of Fear Review
The Chronicle Of Fear Review
New Album Depressive Disorder - The Chronicle Of Fear
The Chronicle of Fear album was released in 2009.06.29 at Monopolrecords label. The album composed from raw electronics a solid guitars to a dark ambient atmospheres, with typical vocal, these all in eleven songs. Except Patrik and Radim, Olas Hladky from Rhodian band participated on this album as guest guitarist.
Album has two releases: The Chronicle Of Fear CD in jewel case packaging (300 copies), and The Chronicle Of Fear CD + CD-R set in special air buble packaging, containing The Chronicle Of Fear CD in jewel case and exclusive CD-R (digipack) Demo 1 + 2 (Near To Death &...Another Step To Death) + Depressive Disorder - button (100 copies).
Cover graphical design was made by Monika Sedlarova.

Track Slave

Shop: CD Depressive Disorder - The Chronicle Of Fear MonopolrecordsShop

...In Studio
Depressive Disorder have finished new album The Chronicle Of Fear, recorded in StorkStudio.

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Support Before Project Pitchfork In Prague
Depressive Disorder were support 2009 04.08. legendary Germany formation Project Pitchfork live in Prague.
Review in concert.
Start ReDesign Website Depressive Disorder